We hope that everyone had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, and is ready to hit the ground running with their training. This week in classes we will be focusing on utilizing the side kick with our progressive contact skills from our focus last week. We will also be concentraing on board breaking this week.
Upcoming Events for September:
09/14: Parents Night Out from 5:30-9:30p.m. All-Access members $20.00, Members $25.00, and Non-Members $30.00
09/14 Teen Swag Lock In from 9:00p.m. to 8:00a.m. All-Access Members $35.00, Members and Non-Members $40.00
09/28: Train with Senior Master Greg Roy All-Access Members Free, Members $10.00.9:00a.m. Youth & Adults, 10:00a.m. Advanced Juniors (Brown-Black), 11:00a.m. Beginner Juniors (White-Blue). ***MUST WEAR RED TRAINING T-SHIRT, AND BLACK PANTS*** APPRENTICE TEAM MAY WEAR TEAM SHIRTS! NO TIGER CUB CLASSES.
Now for a note and wise words from Senior Master Jason Griffin (7th degree black belt from Mississippi)
Can I hop on my soap box for a second?? Thanks!
Everyone has their ups and downs in training and even in life. I have heard from a few of my students these last 2 weeks about being tired and wanting to take a break...CODE WORD QUIT. Come on, if it was easy everyone would wear a black belt! We all have responsibilities and things that get in our way and take our eyes off our goals/plans. Getting into a routine after summer and starting school is always hard. Don’t be someone that allows that as an excuse. Some of these students that want to take a break are some of the most athletic students with great potential. If it comes easy then be amazing!
1. Did your buddy pass you in rank since they trained this summer and you did not? Get over it. Why don’t you train like crazy and double promote this testing instead of taking the easy way out and quit.
2. It’s not fun. YOU ARE RIGHT! If you are not getting better it won’t be fun. Would you go and play baseball and soccer if you did not get any better and got beat every game? No, you would quit that too. Invest in training, get over the hump and learn.
3. I want to try new things: Don’t bounce from sport to sport, activity to activity and not be really good at anything. Self confidence in life is created by being really great at something. Train more and see the benefits of our program.
4. We don’t have time. Here is the big one!! Once you stop one activity, you will fill it with another. If you were getting better, you would not want to stop! Let’s re-invest in consistent training 2 days a week.
5. Kids are kids (adults too), we all dig our heels in when we want our way. My Kids don’t want to come to class some days too. That should make you all feel better! Telling dad he is not any fun is not a good topic!! I know the benefits of the program and I am proof of it. I see long term and my kids see short term. Short term they are unmotivated, long term I see the confidence they have thru classes. I see my girls going out on a date in the future and they are equipped with a black belt...ha, I feel bad for their date if they try to sneak in a kiss.
Reflection: Less than 2 months ago some of these students were class leaders and were working extremely hard. Summer thru us a curve ball, time to learn to hit the curve!
This is my soap box from over 20 years of teaching kids (and yes you adults too) full time. Times are changing and life is faster than ever. Things that work, that are tried and true never go out of style. Perseverance and hard work will take you to the top of whatever you do in life.
LAST THING! Call one of your buddies that is unmotivated and motivate them back to class. Call, e-mail or send them a facebook message today! One day they may be motivating you!
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
Email: WestKnoxTigerRock@gmail.com
Website: www.WestKnoxTigerRock.com
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