For the week of: 03/31-04/05
Cycle Tenet: "Integrity, is thoughtfulness and consideration of others, humility, civility, and politeness."
Good Afternoon,
This is week #8 of 8 in our current training cycle for our martial art programs.
Newsletter Highlights:
- Goals for the week
- Merit Badges
- Rank Exam Registration & Weekly Class Schedule (Modified Classes)
- Tiger-Rock Training Shorts
- Focus Targets
- Summer of Movement
- Upcoming Events
We will have the following merit badges available this training cycle:
Skillbuilder Merit Badge: A minimum of 1x per week, students should run outside a minimum of ten minutes. If the student does not have a place to run, and/or not good weather, they may stay after their training class, and complete their merit badge requirements. Parents should have dates and minutes (minimum of 60 minutes) completed when completing the merit badge by April Rank Exams.
Character Builder Merit Badge: Students should earn at least one "Let me brag on my child" achievement within the training cycle. The parent should choose exceptional behavior demonstrated by their child, and complete the "Let me brag on my child" card. Remember, what gets rewarded, gets repeated.
Please remember all students eligible to participate in rank exams should have registered by 03/29. If you would still like to participate, please see the front desk to register. An additional $10 late registration fee will apply. The academy will be operating on regular schedule on Monday (03/31) and Tuesday (04/01). Exams are highlighted in red, and training classes are highlighted in black. Please remember to have a nice, neat, clean, Tiger-Rock Official Training Uniform at the exams.
Wednesday: 4:00p.m. Jr. Green-Black Belt Training Class
4:45p.m. Teen Training Class
5:30p.m. Junior Grappling Exam (No black belt class)
6:20-7:15 Adult Training Class
7:15p.m. Adult Grappling Exam
Thursday: 4:00p.m. Jr. Blue-Black Belt Training Class
5:30 Tiger Cub Rank Exam
6:30 Junior White-Green Rank Exam
7:45 Teen & Adult Training Class
Friday: 5:30p.m. Jr. Blue-Red L2 Rank Exams
7:00p.m. Red L3-Black Belt Training Class (All Ages)
8:00p.m. Teen & Adult Rank Exams
Saturday: 10:00a.m. Red L3-Black Belt Rank Exam
12:00p.m. Weapons Training Class (Sword)
1:00p.m. Instuctor Meeting & Outing
Wednesday: 4:00p.m. Jr. Green-Black Belt Training Class
4:45p.m. Teen Training Class
5:30p.m. Junior Grappling Exam (No black belt class)
6:20-7:15 Adult Training Class
7:15p.m. Adult Grappling Exam
Thursday: 4:00p.m. Jr. Blue-Black Belt Training Class
5:30 Tiger Cub Rank Exam
6:30 Junior White-Green Rank Exam
7:45 Teen & Adult Training Class
Friday: 5:30p.m. Jr. Blue-Red L2 Rank Exams
7:00p.m. Red L3-Black Belt Training Class (All Ages)
8:00p.m. Teen & Adult Rank Exams
Saturday: 10:00a.m. Red L3-Black Belt Rank Exam
12:00p.m. Weapons Training Class (Sword)
1:00p.m. Instuctor Meeting & Outing

Order your Tiger-Rock Training Shorts today for the summer months. Tiger-Rock Training Shorts may be substituted for the training pants until September. Order yours at the front desk today! First day to wear training shorts is at TaeKwonDo in the Park (04/10).
All Students Blue Belt and above should now have their own training target in their sparring bags. If you are missing your target, please order yours at the front desk today. These targets are vital training tool for students to use at home, as well as almost daily use within the TaeKwonDo classroom.
04/02-04/05: Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Rank Exams (Modified Lessons)
04/07: Post exam processing and Instructor Exam at 6:00p.m. (No Lessons)
04/08: April Promotion Ceremony (No Lessons)
5:15 Tiger Cubs, Junior White-Green Belts
6:30 Junior Blue-Black, Teen, & Adult
04/09: Junior Sparring Seminar & Teen/Adult Fight Night (Regular Lessons)
04/10: TaeKwonDo in the Park
Tiger Cubs 5:00
Juniors 5:30Tiger Cubs 5:00
Teens and Adults 6:30
***We will be using the park on Fox Lonas Road next to Knoxville Catholic High School***
04/11: Forms Focus Night
04/12: XMA Extreme Day & Beginning of Sword Weapon Training. (Enroll Today)
05/17: King of the Hill Tournament in Johnson City, TN (Mark this day on your calendars because we need every single student to participate in this tournament.)
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
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