For the week of: 2/24-03/01
Cycle Tenet: "Integrity, is thoughtfulness and consideration of others, humility, civility, and politeness."
Good Afternoon,
This is week #3 of 8 in our current training cycle for our martial art programs.
Newsletter Highlights:
- Goals for the week
- Merit Badges
- Mini-Academy Championships
- Harlem Globetrotters
- Upcoming Events
Skillbuilder Merit Badge: A minimum of 1x per week, students should run outside a minimum of ten minutes. If the student does not have a place to run, and/or not good weather, they may stay after their training class, and complete their merit badge requirements. Parents should have dates and minutes (minimum of 60 minutes) completed when completing the merit badge by April Rank Exams.
Character Builder Merit Badge: Students should earn at least one "Let me brag on my child" achievement within the training cycle. The parent should choose exceptional behavior demonstrated by their child, and complete the "Let me brag on my child" card. Remember, what gets rewarded, gets repeated.
Academy Mini-Championship Seminar. Join us as we prepare for the Tiger-Rock Nationals in Chattanooga, TN by attending our academy championships. Events include: Forms, Board Breaking, Sword, Extreme, Free-Design, and Team Sparring. $10.00 per person for all events. Free to All-Access Members. $10 per Team sparring (three members). Board Breaking, Sparring, and Traditional Forms will be held during regular event time. Free Design, Extreme, and Sword will be held at separate times.
Event Times:
1:00p.m. Adults
2:15p.m. Jr. White-Green Belts, and Teens
3:15p.m. Team Sparring Competition
4:00p.m. Tiger Cubs and Free Design/Extreme Free Design/Team Extreme & Free Design
5:00p.m. Junior Blue-Black
6:15p.m. Sword Master Competition
A very exciting time for our Extreme Performance Team. The team of 17 students will be performing for the halftime show for the Harlem Globetrotters at Thompson Boling Arena on March 18th at 7:00p.m. We have discounted tickets available for only $20 in sections 112,113,114 and 128,129,130. If you would like tickets for your family please contact us at 865-247-4437 or stop by the front desk. We are asking for everyone to help us out and help sell our required 100 tickets, please post the photo to your facebook, email to friends, share on google+, etc. It is a very exciting opportunity for all of these young students.
03/01: Academy Mini Championship Seminar
03/06: Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Demo Team Performance at Beaumont Elementary School
@ 6:00p.m.
@ 6:00p.m.
03/07-03/08: Tiger-Rock National Championships in Chattanooga, TN and High Rank Exams
03/09: Demo Team Practice 2:30-4:30
03/13: "TROCK" Mascot Fundraiser Run at Hardin Valley Elementary School
03/15: Tiger-Rock Martial Arts co-sponsors with Team in Training for the Bone Marrow
Doner Registration Drive to benefit Kevin Scoggins
03/16: Demo Team Practice 2:30-4:30
03/18: Harlem Globetrotters Halftime Performance by Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Extreme
03/18: Harlem Globetrotters Halftime Performance by Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Extreme
Performance Team @ 7:00p.m.
03/17-03/21: Tiger-Rock Spring Break Camp
8:00a.m.-5:00p.m.$150 for first child, $100 for each additional, $125 for All-Access Members
03/29: Teen Swag Night & Lock In
$50.00 per person, $45.00 for All-Access Members
04/02-04/05: Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Rank Exams (TaeKwonDo & Grappling)
04/08: April Promotion Ceremony
04/12: Tiger-Rock BullyKnow Seminar
04/12: Tiger-Rock BullyKnow Seminar
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
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