For the week of: 12/02-12/07
Cycle Tenet: "Integrity, I have the moral courage to make my actions consistent with my knowledge of right or wrong."
Good Afternoon,
This is week #8 of 9 in our current training cycle for TaeKwonDo, and week #5 of 10 in Grappling.
Newsletter Highlights:
- Goals for the week
- Inclement Weather Policy
- Tiger-Rock TaeKwonDo Rank Exams (Registration Deadline Saturday)
- Please see requirements on rank skipping eligibility on your kicksite account
- Please register through your kicksite account for the event
- Team Revolution Extreme Performance at Fantasy of Trees
- Tiger-Rock Leadership Team assisting at Fantasy of Trees
- Tiger-Rock A.L.L.Y. Program
- Honors Team Food Drive & Merit Badge
- Partners-in-Learning Stars
- Home Practice Merit Badge
- Next Cycle Weapon: Nun-Chuck ***Purchase Today***
- Upcoming Events
We hope that everyone had a fantastic training week last week. We are ramping up training for our end of the year rank exam on December 13-14th. Be sure to get your classes in, and your curriculum stripes to be eligible for the exam. We will be working on completing any missing curriculum stripes
Parents & Students: Please remember that our inclement weather policy follows the Knox County School Systems. If Knox County School Systems close due to inclement weather (snow), we will also close. You can check the status of closing on our website, blog, facebook, google+, twitter, and
Tiger-Rock Rank Exam Information
Please see testing requirements on uniform, attendance, rank skip eligibility, etc through your kicksite account.
Please see testing requirements on uniform, attendance, rank skip eligibility, etc through your kicksite account.
General Rule of Rank Skipping: Four classes above minimum, 95% or above on exam.
Priority Registration Deadline (Must be registered and paid): 11/25-12/7
Deadline Registration (Extra $10.00): 12/09-12/12
Deadline Registration (Extra $10.00): 12/09-12/12
Exam Times:
Friday, December 13th
Tiger Cubs 5:15p.m.
White & Yellow Belt Juniors 6:15p.m.
Apprentice Team (Honors, Leadership, Trainer) 7:15
Saturday, December 14th
Teens & Adults 9:00a.m.
10:30 Red Belt L3 & Black Belts (all ages)
12:00 Junior Green-Red Belt L2
2:30-4:30 Apprentice Team Christmas Party

Team Revolution Extreme Performance Team
Very Proud of our Team Revolution Extreme Performance Team for putting on a fantastic show at the Fantasy of Trees this weekend. They did great!!! Such a wonderful group of young people. We are looking for more performances....any ideas? Church events, youth groups, sporting events. It is an exciting show hosted by these talented martial artists.
Leadership Team helps set up Fantasy of Trees
We are also extremely proud of our Leadership Team & Parents for helping assist in setting up the fantasy of trees to benefit East Tennessee Children's Hospital as their cycle leadership project! Way to go guys!
As we gear up for rank exams, don't forget to make sure you get all of your merit badges, and partners-in-learning stars turned in. The last day to accept the A.L.L.Y. program requirements is on Thursday, December 12th by close. The merit badges are for bringing in at least 10 items of non-perishable food items, completing the practice at home form with questions (found on kicksite) as well as 270 minutes of practice time, and having your teacher fill out your partner-in-learning form (found by the desk).
12/2-12/7: Priority Rank Exam Registration
12/9-12/12: Deadline Rank Exam Registration12/13-12/14: Tiger-Rock TaeKwonDo Rank Exams
12/16: Exam Processing
5:30 Secondary Rank Exam
6:30 Apprentice Team Physical Rank Exam for probationary students
12/17: Promotion Ceremony
Tiger Cubs, Jr. White, & Yellow Belts 5:30p.m.
Jr. Blue-Black, Adult, Teen 6:45p.m.
12/18: Fight Night (Regular Schedule)
12/19: Forms Classes (Regular Schedule
12/20: Fun Night (Wear your favorite silly christmas shirt & TKD pants)
12/21: Last day of classes for 2013.
1/2/14: Classes resume
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
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