Monday, October 28, 2013

Tiger-Rock Academy Newsletter

For the week of: 10/28-11/02
Cycle Tenet: "Integrity, I have the moral courage to make my actions consistent with my knowledge of right or wrong."

Good Afternoon,

This is week #3 of 9 in our current training cycle. 

Newsletter Highlights:

  1. Goals for the week
  2. Holiday Sale
  3. Tiger-Rock Tumbling
  4. Jiu-Jitsu (Grappling) Rank Exams
  5. Tiger-Rock Food Drive
  6. Tiger-Rock National Championships
  7. Tiger-Rock A.L.L.Y. (Academic Learning & Leadership for Youth)
  8. Weapon Training
  9. Throwback Thursday
  10. Upcoming Events
WOW! What an amazing 4th annual Halloween Party we had! It was a great time, and thank you to all of those that were able to attend! Be sure to check out the pictures from our event on Facebook, Google+, and twitter within the next week. This week will begin working on the hook kick in our advanced classes and the #2 sidekick in our beginner classes as we begin to really crank up for our competition. Don't forget we will also be hosting our Grappling Rank Exams on Wednesday! A REMINDER THAT WE ARE CLOSED ON THURSDAY FOR HALLOWEEN!

We will be hosting our Holiday Sale Next Week! Mr. Bailey will be releasing our academy holiday sale guide a.s.a.p. We will be having Tiger-Rock T-Shirt sales Buy one, get one 25% off, Weapon Discount Sales, and more! Anything in the Century catalogs at the academy will be an additional 10% off the marked price. T-shirts ordered through the century catalog may not be worn in class as it must be a Tiger-Rock Training T-Shirt ordered through the Tiger-Rock Store. Please remember for every $50 a student spends, they will be entered to win an official Tiger-Rock Uniform.  Our Holiday Sale will run from November 4th-November 9th during regular academy operating hours.

REGISTER NOW for the Tiger-Rock Tumbling November Seminar with National Cheerleading Champion & ETSU BUC, Seguin Warwick (Pictured on the Left at National Competition).
Cost: $20 per person
Beginners: 1:45p.m.-3:15p.m.
Advanced: 3:30-4:45p.m. 

Students should remember that we have our Tiger-Rock Grappling Rank Exams this Wednesday (10/30) during regular class times. Students must be in full grappling uniform in order to participate. Be sure to get registered A.S.A.P. Rank evaluations will be awarded the following Wednesday (11/6).
The Tiger-Rock Honors Team has announced their cycle 6 community project. The Honors Team Members will be hosting an Academy sponsored food drive from October 14th-December 10th. The Honors Team asks that students bring in items to help support the Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee. The one item the Food Bank has requested the most is peanut butter. Please lend your support, and any additional resources to these young leaders as they help those around our community.

Please join us for our Fall 2013 National Championships in Chattanooga, TN. Attached to the bottom is the registration form for the championship. Tournaments are one of the most beneficial aspects of our martial arts training. Students and Parents always ask, "Why should I go to tournament?" Here are the top 5 reasons:
Reason #1: Tournaments let you test your skills.
You spend hours in class and at home developing your skills, drilling your forms, learning effective sparring strategies, working on your strength and flexibility… isn’t it time to put that training to the test? Tournaments offer a safe and positive environment for you to showcase your abilities and learn about what you need to improve. You will get feedback from the judges, as well as other competitors, on what you did well and what you should work on.
Reason #2: Tournaments help you overcome your fears.
One of the benefits of martial arts training is the ability to stay calm and clear headed in stressful situations. So how can a tournament help you to stay calm instead of panicking? Just ask anyone who has competed. When you step into the ring your adrenaline starts to flow. Your pulse quickens, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and your legs will feel heavy. This is a result of the “fight or flight” response, and in a tournament you will literally be conditioning your body and mind on how to handle these stresses. With each competition, you’ll become stronger and more confident. Tournaments force you OUT of your comfort zone, and while that doesn’t always sound pleasant, it is necessary for true growth.
Reason #3: Competition helps you stay motivated.
Like everything else in our life, our level of motivation never stays constant. We see this the most in children who are still learning about self-discipline, one day they are extremely motivated future black belts, the next day they want to quit altogether. Tournaments can help keep students motivated by providing them with “mini goals” throughout their training. Once you commit to competing in a tournament, you start to train harder. And then when you do compete, you feel a tremendous amount of pride in what you have accomplished.
Reason #4: You get to watch and learn from others.
When you train in your school, you usually end up sparring with the same people, over and over again. You eventually get used to the way they spar, and can start to anticipate them. Going to tournaments allows you to compete against new people that can challenge you.
Reason #5: You will become closer to your fellow students.
Tournaments offer a unique bonding experience for students. As you train together for a common goal, and then compete with and cheer for each other, you will become closer. You will also have the chance to meet with and create friendships with students from other schools. Nothing brings people together like a shared experience.

Students will have the opportunity to earn two merit badges this training cycle:
1.) Students that bring in at least 10 non-perishable food items for the Food Drive sponsored by our Tiger-Rock Honors Team. We would prefer that the students do some sort of work/activity i.e. chores, lemonade stand, etc. to earn the money to buy the food. A personal touch of hard work accompanied with kindness can go a long way.
2.) Students will log when they practice at home, and how long they practice (form coming soon). Students must get a Trainer Team members signature every week if they practice at home or not. Upon completion of training cycle, students should reflect on their progress by answering questions about their training that will be fount on the form.
3.) Students should also take the Partners-in-Learning forms by the front desk to their school teacher in order to earn up to three gold stars.

Our Leadership Team members have decided to step up and help volunteer in setting up one of Knoxville's biggest events, The Fantasy of Trees on November 22nd. The Leadership Team will also volunteer during the event to help raise money for Children's Hospital. Furthermore, our Extreme Performance Demo Team will also be performing at the Fantasy of Trees (Date announced soon). Please stop by, say hello, support a local hospital, be proud your academy, and the examples our Leadership Team sets to all of our students.


Weapons Program: This cycles weapon will be any weapon you choose with Freedesign/Xtreme Martial Arts combination. You can choose from: Bo-Staff, Sword, Nun-Chucks, or Tactical Short Stick. Students must purchase their weapons which ranges from $10-$80. Please see Mr. Bailey or Mrs. Amy regarding Weapon Enrollment. 

Throwback Thursday: Next Cycle we will begin our Throwback Thursday Game on our Social Media Sites. Students and Parents will have the opportunity to see all of our trainers, leadership, and honors team members when they were younger. See if we can stump you! Last Week: Mr. Josh Hazelips TaeKwonDo picture. Check it out on our Facebook and Google+.

10/31: Academy Closed for Halloween
11/04-11/09: Tiger-Rock Holiday Sale 
Gear up for the holidays with fantastic deals and discounts on all your Tiger-Rock Gear. Everything will be on sale from weapons packages, program enrollment discounts, stocking stuffers, and much more.

11/09: Tiger-Rock Tumbling Seminar with National Cheerleading Champion & ETSU BUC, Seguin Warwick (Pictured on the Left at National Competition).
Cost: $20 per person unless on All-Access
Beginners: 1:45p.m.-3:15p.m.
Advanced: 3:30-4:45p.m.

 11/16: Tiger-Rock National Championships
11/23: Parents Night Out Sponsered by Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Booster Club
 11/28-11/30: Academy Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Your proud instructor,
Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling Trainer
CDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437

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