Cycle Tenet: "Knowledge, the result of being an active learner."
Good Afternoon,
This is week #9 of 9 in
our current training cycle.
Newsletter Highlights:
1.) Goals for the week
2.) Rank Exam Preparations (A.L.L.Y. Program due by THURSDAY)
3.) Exam Requirement Changes
4.) Post Exam Schedule (NEXT WEEK)
5.) Upcoming Events
6.) Weapons Program
7.) Throwback Thursdays (Starting Next Cycle)
8.) On-Time Policy
9.) Fantasy of Trees Volunteers
The A.L.L.Y. (Academic Learning and Leadership Program for Youth) program requirments are due by THURSDAY. Students should have completed the 1.) 1,000 Round Kicks, 2.) Confidence Merit Badge, and 3.) Partner's in Learning Stars. PLEASE IF YOUR CHILD HAS COMPLETED A CONFIDENCE MERIT BADGE (SPEAKING ABOUT A TENET TO THEIR CLASS) SEND MR. BAILEY AND EMAIL TO CONFIRM BY THURSDAY.
Parents and Students please note that all Green Belt students and above will be graded on endurance during their sparring and ECAS this rank exam. Also, all students will also be graded on their appearance during this rank exam (i.e. Cleanliness of uniform, proper uniform, required patches etc.).
Also, no Red L3's nor black belts will be allowed to secondary test in the event of a No-Change. Furthermore, please remember the requirements to rank skip or earn a repeat rank exam in the event of a No-Change is that all students must have at least four classes above the minimum.
Please note the class changes and times for classes during our Promotion and Rewards week.
10/14: Academy Closed for Exam Processing ***NO CLASSES***
10/15: Promotion Ceremony 6:30p.m. with special performance by Team Revolution ***NO CLASSES***
10/16: Forms Focus Night (Regular Class Times)
10/17: TaeKwonDo in the Park (Last Day for Tiger Cubs, Juniors, and Youth to wear training shorts)
5:30 Tiger Cubs
6:00 Juniors
7:00 Teens and Adults
10/18: Sparring & Han-Mu-Do Joint Locking Focus
5:00p.m. Tiger Cubs
5:30p.m. Jr. White & Yellow Belt
6:30p.m. Jr. Green-Black Belt
7:30p.m. Youth & Adult
10/19: XMA Extreme Day (Regular Class Times)
Newsletter Highlights:
1.) Goals for the week
2.) Rank Exam Preparations (A.L.L.Y. Program due by THURSDAY)
3.) Exam Requirement Changes
4.) Post Exam Schedule (NEXT WEEK)
5.) Upcoming Events
6.) Weapons Program
7.) Throwback Thursdays (Starting Next Cycle)
8.) On-Time Policy
9.) Fantasy of Trees Volunteers
The goals for week #9 is to prepare the students for their rank exams. Please remember we do not have any regularly scheduled classes Friday (11/12), Saturday (11/13), Monday (11/14), or Tuesday (11/15). We will be practicing all week this week just like the rank exams. Mr. Bailey recommends that at least one day this week students should train in their full ceremonial uniform to better prepare for the exam. Don't forget Thursday is the last day of classes this week.
The A.L.L.Y. (Academic Learning and Leadership Program for Youth) program requirments are due by THURSDAY. Students should have completed the 1.) 1,000 Round Kicks, 2.) Confidence Merit Badge, and 3.) Partner's in Learning Stars. PLEASE IF YOUR CHILD HAS COMPLETED A CONFIDENCE MERIT BADGE (SPEAKING ABOUT A TENET TO THEIR CLASS) SEND MR. BAILEY AND EMAIL TO CONFIRM BY THURSDAY.
Friday Night (10/11)
Tiger Cub 5:00p.m.
White & Yellow Belts: 6:00p.m.
Apprentice Team Meeting 7:15p.m.
Saturday (10/12)
Jr. Green-Red Belt Belt 9:00p.m.
Jr., Teen, & Adult Black Belts 10:30a.m..
Colored Belt Teen & Adults 12:30p.m.
Apprentice Team Building Function at Oakes Corn Maze at 2:15. $8.00 per person.
Tiger Cub 5:00p.m.
White & Yellow Belts: 6:00p.m.
Apprentice Team Meeting 7:15p.m.
Saturday (10/12)
Jr. Green-Red Belt Belt 9:00p.m.
Jr., Teen, & Adult Black Belts 10:30a.m..
Colored Belt Teen & Adults 12:30p.m.
Apprentice Team Building Function at Oakes Corn Maze at 2:15. $8.00 per person.
Also, no Red L3's nor black belts will be allowed to secondary test in the event of a No-Change. Furthermore, please remember the requirements to rank skip or earn a repeat rank exam in the event of a No-Change is that all students must have at least four classes above the minimum.
Please note the class changes and times for classes during our Promotion and Rewards week.
10/14: Academy Closed for Exam Processing ***NO CLASSES***
10/15: Promotion Ceremony 6:30p.m. with special performance by Team Revolution ***NO CLASSES***
10/16: Forms Focus Night (Regular Class Times)
10/17: TaeKwonDo in the Park (Last Day for Tiger Cubs, Juniors, and Youth to wear training shorts)
5:30 Tiger Cubs
6:00 Juniors
7:00 Teens and Adults
10/18: Sparring & Han-Mu-Do Joint Locking Focus
5:00p.m. Tiger Cubs
5:30p.m. Jr. White & Yellow Belt
6:30p.m. Jr. Green-Black Belt
7:30p.m. Youth & Adult
10/19: XMA Extreme Day (Regular Class Times)
10/26: Student & Parent Appreciation Halloween Party Wear your favorite costumes, bring a dish, and lets have a great time in fellowship!
Please RSVP by the following link:
Please RSVP by the following link:
10/31: Academy Closed for Halloween
11/04-11/09: Tiger-Rock Holiday SaleGear up for the holidays with fantastic deals and discounts on all your Tiger-Rock Gear. Everything will be on sale from weapons packages, program enrollment discounts, stocking stuffers, and much more.
11/09: Tiger-Rock Tumbling Seminar with National Cheerleading Champion & ETSU BUC, Seguin Warwick (Pictured on the Left at National Competition).
Cost: $20 per person unless on All-Access
Beginners: 1:45p.m.-3:15p.m.
Advanced: 3:30-4:45p.m.
Beginners: 1:45p.m.-3:15p.m.
Advanced: 3:30-4:45p.m.
11/23: Parents Night Out Sponsered by Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Booster Club
11/28-11/30: Academy Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
11/16: Tiger-Rock Regional Championships
Weapons Program: The Next Cycles Weapons will be any weapon you choose with Freedesign/Xtreme Martial Arts combination. You can choose from: Bo-Staff, Sword, Nun-Chucks, or Tactical Short Stick. Students must purchase their weapons which ranges from $10-$80. Please see Mr. Bailey or Mrs. Amy regarding Weapon Enrollment.
Fantasy of Trees Volunteers: A good friend, and director at the Fantasy of Trees has messaged Mr. Bailey, and said they are in "desperate" need of teenagers and adults for volunteers this year! If you would like to assist in setting up for the event to benefit Children's Hospital on November 22nd., please let Mr. Bailey know. Also, if you have any youth groups/church groups that may be interested in helping at the event, Mr. Bailey can give you the directors contact information.
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
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