Cycle Tenet: Knowledge, the result of being an active learner.
Good Afternoon,
This is week #7 of 9 in
our training cycle.
Newsletter Highlights:
1.) Goal of the Week: Earn any missing curriculum stripes
2.) TaeKwonDo Training Seminar by Senior Master Greg Roy THIS WEEK! Register Now!
3.) Tiger-Rock Tuesday (Only 2 weeks left).
2.) TaeKwonDo Training Seminar by Senior Master Greg Roy THIS WEEK! Register Now!
3.) Tiger-Rock Tuesday (Only 2 weeks left).
4.) Win a Trip to the Beach Referral Contest
5.) Know & Go Stranger Awareness Seminar for Kids
6.) Training for Life, A women's self escape seminar
5.) Know & Go Stranger Awareness Seminar for Kids
6.) Training for Life, A women's self escape seminar
7.) Preperation for Rank Exams (A.L.L.Y. program, Uniform Requirements, Partners-in-Learning)
8.) Private Lessons
9.) TaeKwonDo Rank Exam Information
9.) TaeKwonDo Rank Exam Information
10.) Upcoming Events
Our Goal this week is
for all students to have complete the curriculum striping required for their rank. Please login to your academy account (kicksite) to view your
curriculum in your library. Be sure to discipline yourself to practice 5
minutes each day!
Don't forget this Saturday September 28th we will have a modified class schedule due to Senior Master Greg Roy teaching TaeKwonDo classes. The seminar is $10.00 for all students not on the All-Access Upgrade.
Class Schedule is as Follows:
Kid Grappling 8:00a.m.
Youth & Adult Ranks 9:00a.m.
Junior Advanced Ranks 10:00a.m. (Brown-Black)
Junior Beginner & Intermediate Ranks 11:00a.m. (White-Blue)
Students should wear black training pants and Red Training T-shirt. Students wearing any other attire (other than apprentice team members) will not be allowed to participate.
Don't forget this Saturday September 28th we will have a modified class schedule due to Senior Master Greg Roy teaching TaeKwonDo classes. The seminar is $10.00 for all students not on the All-Access Upgrade.
Class Schedule is as Follows:
Kid Grappling 8:00a.m.
Youth & Adult Ranks 9:00a.m.
Junior Advanced Ranks 10:00a.m. (Brown-Black)
Junior Beginner & Intermediate Ranks 11:00a.m. (White-Blue)
Students should wear black training pants and Red Training T-shirt. Students wearing any other attire (other than apprentice team members) will not be allowed to participate.
Tiger-Rock Tuesday!

Refer a friend to Tiger-Rock, and receive points towards winning a vacation in Pensacola, Florida.
Ask a Tiger-Rock Trainer, or Staff for more information.Competition Ends October 12th.
& Go Safety Stranger Awareness Safety Seminar for Kids
Join Tiger-Rock
Martial Arts in America's most effective stranger awareness seminar for
children ages 6-11. The goal to KNOW & GO® is to get the child
properly trained on how and why to become an obstacle when approached by an
Abductor/Stranger. The focus for KNOW & GO® will be on teaching the
children how to “outsmart the bad guy” with motor skills, obstacle positioning™
and acting techniques. The cost of the 1.15 hour seminar is $10.00 (FREE
TO ALL-ACCESS MEMBERS), and is on October 5th at 1:45p.m. for children age
Training for Life, Women's Slef-Protection Seminar
Join Tiger-Rock
Martial Arts & Tom Patire's CDT Systems in a Training for Life Seminar. The
seminar utilizes basic ieas and principles to create a "window of
escape" for yourself and/or with your children. The cost of 1.5 hour
seminar is $15.00 (Free to All-Access). Please contact Tiger-Rock at (865)
247-4437 to reserve your spot today!
Don't forget about preparations for your Tiger-Rock A.L.L.Y. Program. We only have two weeks left for students to turn in their merit badges & partners in learning forms due October 12th.
The confidence merit badge includes students 1.) choosing a tenet, 2.) telling the definition, 3.) providing a story that promotes the tenet, 4.) and speaking in front of their peers.
The round kick merit badge includes students performing 1,000 round kicks after class in thirty second burst. Tiger Cubs perform 100 front kicks.
Rank Exams
Register Today for
your TaeKwonDo Rank Exams by clicking the link in the automated email. Be
sure to prepare your uniform by making sure you have ALL of your patches, and
required apparal. Please remember that both the way your appearance and
endurance will now be apart of your evaluation at your rank exams, and wether
you are eligible for secondary rank exams. ***MORE EXACT INFORMATION COMING
Friday Night (10/11)
Tiger Cub 5:00p.m.
White & Yellow Belts: 6:00p.m.
Apprentice Team Meeting 7:15p.m.
Saturday (10/12)
Jr. Green-Red Belt Belt 9:00p.m.
Jr., Teen, & Adult Black Belts 10:30a.m..
Colored Belt Teen & Adults 12:30p.m.
Apprentice Team Building Function at 2:15
Trainers: $20.00 per half hour
Leadership Members: $15.00 per half hour
Honors Members: $10.00 per half hour
Fantasy of Trees Volunteers
A good friend, and director at the Fantasy of Trees has messaged Mr. Bailey, and said they are in "desperate" need of teenagers and adults for volunteers this year! If you would like to assist in setting up for the event to benefit Children's Hospital on November 22nd., please let Mr. Bailey know. Also, if you have any youth groups/church groups that may be interested in helping at the event, Mr. Bailey can give you the directors contact information.
Upcoming Events:
9/28: Seminar
by Senior Master Greg RoyTiger Cub 5:00p.m.
White & Yellow Belts: 6:00p.m.
Apprentice Team Meeting 7:15p.m.
Saturday (10/12)
Jr. Green-Red Belt Belt 9:00p.m.
Jr., Teen, & Adult Black Belts 10:30a.m..
Colored Belt Teen & Adults 12:30p.m.
Apprentice Team Building Function at 2:15
Private Lessons
Don't forget if you are a behind on your lesson credits, or need sprucing up before the rank exams, schedule a private lesson with an Apprentice Team Member. Schedule yours today!Trainers: $20.00 per half hour
Leadership Members: $15.00 per half hour
Honors Members: $10.00 per half hour
Fantasy of Trees Volunteers
A good friend, and director at the Fantasy of Trees has messaged Mr. Bailey, and said they are in "desperate" need of teenagers and adults for volunteers this year! If you would like to assist in setting up for the event to benefit Children's Hospital on November 22nd., please let Mr. Bailey know. Also, if you have any youth groups/church groups that may be interested in helping at the event, Mr. Bailey can give you the directors contact information.
Upcoming Events:
10/05: Self-Escape and Protection Seminar for Women & Kids
10/11-10/12: Rank Exams
10/14-10/19: Post Exam Schedule (Modified Schedule Week)
10/26: Student Appreciation Halloween Party ***DATE CHANGE***
Please RSVP by the following link:
11/09: Tiger-Rock Tumbling Seminar with National Cheerleading Champion & ETSU BUC, Seguin Warwick (Pictured on the Left at National Competition).
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
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