Good Afternoon,
MR. BAILEY WILL NOT BE IN CLASSES TONIGHT (5/6/13). He will be at Hardin Valley Academy recruiting new students at the Health Fair. Classes will be run by the Trainer Team.
UPDATE ON BILLING: Parents, please continue to sign up for your kicksite account. If you have not recieved the link to do so, please email us at THE SITE FOR REGISTRATION AND BILLING WILL GO LIVE JUNE 1ST (IF NOT JUST SHORTLY BEFORE). Also, when creating your account, please be sure to update any contact information, sign up for text messaging alerts, and add a profile picture to your students account. Lastly, if you have not been receiving two Tiger-Rock Academy Newsletter emails with [Announcement] in the subject line, please check your spam folder because this is our new system.
Tiger-Rock Academic Learning & Leadership for Youth (A.L.L.Y.):
Fitness Merit Badge: Students must complete 250 pushups at the academy in order to achieve their merit badge. The students will have 30 seconds at the end of each class to complete as many proper pushups as possible. Parents will tally the results throughout the cycle, and once the student completes 250 pushups, parents turn in the results to the front desk.
Respect Merit Badge: Starting on Tuesday, the academy will have an initial sheet for parents to check off for the respect merit badge. Students must demonstrate their respect to you as parents by saying yes sir/yes ma'am, etc. 25X before June rank exams. REMEMBER PARENTS: YOU GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT. If you simply fill out the form, so they can get a star/continuously reminding them, then we are not working together to improve their character.
Partners-in-Learning: Please remember to have your teacher sign your Partners-in-Learning forms to get your academic achievement stars before the end of the school year.
Report Card Reward: Students in K-12, earning straight A's for the ENTIRE YEAR, will be nominated for our Report Card Reward program. Each year one student is randomly drawn for making straight A's the entire year, and is given $50 cash for their diligence and hard work. Parents must turn in certified grade cards from their school at the end of the school year.
Lunch with Mr. Bailey at your school:
Want Mr. Bailey to eat lunch with you at your school? You could win the opportunity. Mr. Bailey will even bring your favorite food for lunch. Here is how:
1.) Have your facebook friends like our facebook page (Sharing status, tagging the academy by using the @ symbol, checking in, etc.)
2.) Click on the "Vote Here" icon under the cover photo.
3.) Have friends fill out information, and put your child/familes name in submission box.
4.) The most new "likes" and names submitted WINS!
The top leader so far is Joshua Watkins.
***As every school is different with lunchroom policy, the winner must verify with principal and teachers to confirm the date of Mr. Bailey's visit regarding lunchroom policy***
Tiger-Rock Summer Adventure Camp:
Join the fun at the Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Summer Adventure Camp! Hang out with others as you learn TaeKwonDo from professional trainers, travel to Wonderworks, play at the splash pad, visit the Coke factory, and much more! Choose to come to the week long camp either June 17th-June 21st or June 24th-28th. Double the fun, and come to both weeks. The camp hours are 7:30am-5:30pm, and the cost of the camp is $175 per week or $50 per day (includes all activities for the week/day). Call Tiger-Rock or visit the front desk for details and daily itineraries.
Upcoming Events:
May 11th: Mothers Class (during normal class times, please register through your kicksite account. ***ALL STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE THIS SATURDAY MUST HAVE A "MOM/STEPMOM/GRANDMA)
May 11th: Picture Day (12:00pm-3:00pm) ***PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE FRONT DESK.***
May 18th: Parent's Night Out from 5:30-9:30. $20 for first child, $15 for each additional child and friends. ***PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE FRONT DESK***
June 1st & 2nd: Black Belt Camp and Campout. $30 per person and includes all food, and activities.
June 8th: Rank Exams
June 10th & 11th 12:00-3:00 Leadership Camp
June 15th Board Breaks & Milkshakes (Free with All Access; $20 per student includes three wooden boards. Additional wooden boards are $2.50)
July 15th-July 17th: Xtreme Performance Camp 12:00-4:00 (Free with All Access; $65 per student not on All Access.)
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437

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