I just wanted to send out a quick reminder that the deadline for Rank Exam (testing) registration is quickly approaching. The deadline is this Saturday by 12:00p.m. Please see a Tiger-Rock trainer to make sure your child is eligible and ready for rank exams.
For new parents wondering why my child should continuously test at rank exams, please take a moment to read a note from Master Lili Bowen, owner of Bowen's Tiger-Rock Academy in Woodstock, Georgia.
Why should I test?
This is often asked - here's the simple answer: a goal needs to be met to stay motivated!Even though TKD skill is exercised & enjoyed each class, nothing marks accomplishment like receiving a stripe or a BELT! Our perception of ourselves change when it's placed around our waist. There's a feeling of pride and also new responsibility. That "new responsiblity" comes from the examples of those ranks who have come before us, we know that example is now up to us! Ask any new Black Belt, they're excited but scared to death. They've respected that rank for so long, they can't believe that THEY are responsible for the MODERN DAY LEGACY that rank demands. It's a joy for all instructors to see their students climb the ranks. Their confidence grows with each new level. Please, take every test seriously. Plan your path of success. Nothing takes away a student's thunder as missing an opportunity to progress. It's not just seeing your classmates pass you by, it's feeling like you put in the work and were "benched" on game day while other teammates get the spotlight & recognition. On my dying day, I'll tell you the greatest thing that TKD has given me is life lessons in short & long term goals with benchmarks, set backs and victories. It has taught me that we can accomplish anything we put our mind to as long as it's SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE & has a DEADLINE. A goal without a deadline is just a wish!
Please let us know how we can help you plan for your child's success in this program!
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
Email: WestKnoxTigerRock@gmail.com
Website: www.WestKnoxTigerRock.com

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