Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tiger-Rock Martial Arts performs 166 different Random Acts of Kindness

Congratulations to all of the students who earned their Random Acts of Kindness Merit Badge. As an Academy, we did over 166 different random acts of kindness. Great Job Students.

Random Acts of Kindness
Cycle 1, 2013
1.     Carried laundry basket full of clothes downstairs for Mom-Corbin
2.     Got sippy cup of water for Elan-Corbin
3.     Helped make meal for Elan-Corbin
4.     Picked up crayons that spilled everywhere-Corbin
5.     Played with Alicia, who had nobody to play with.-Corbin
6.     Gave his calendar number to another child who came late and didn’t get one-Corbin
7.     Let Ethan Bowker go in front to get at sticker first-Corbin
8.     Held door open for others-Corbin
9.     Cleaned up playroom-Corbin
10.                         Helped my sister find a toy-Quin
11.                         Fed the dogs when it was not my turn and without being asked-Quin
12.                         Did my schoolwork without complaining-Quin
13.                         Gave mommy hugs-Quin
14.                         Was happy for my sister when she got to go to build-a-bear-Quin
15.                         Remembered to put my clothes away-Quin
16.                         Took turns on the Wii & Xbox 360-Quin
17.                         Cleaned up toys with a happy attitude-Quin
18.                         Sat quietly while traveling so Mommy could drive safely-Quin
19.                         Shared my sled with a friend when it snowed.
20.                         Opened the door for my Mom-Jaden
21.                         Carried my Mom’s computer bag when her arm hurt- Jaden
22.                         Carried in my Dad’s paperwork- Jaden
23.                         Opened the door for a friend- Jaden
24.                         Helped a friend read her math problems- Jaden
25.                         Picked up a friends pencil- Jaden
26.                         Opened the door for a lady- Jaden
27.                         Picked up garbage at a high school basketball game- Jaden
28.                         Helped someone at church pick-up money that dropped on the floor.-Jaden
29.                        Took out trash-Jeremiah
30.                        Shared his snack with his sister-Jeremiah
31.                        Mopped the floors-Jeremiah
32.                        Shared his MP3 player with others-Jeremiah
33.                        Picked up trash-Jeremiah
34.                        Helped teacher clean up classroom-Jeremiah
35.                        Picked up focus targets at TKD-Jeremiah
36.                        Picked up trash at JoAnn’s-Jeremiah
37.                        Helped clean up after Lego club at library-Jeremiah
38.                        Made dinner for himself and Lilah-Charles
39.                        Emptied dishwasher without being asked-Charles
40.                        Helped clean the house for Lilah’s birthday party-Charles
41.                        Fed the dogs-Charles
42.                        Held the door opena t Dollar Tree and TKD for others-Charles
43.                        Put dishes in the sink after breakfast-Charles
44.                        Helps Lilah turn lights on and off-Charles
45.                        Shares his toys with Lilah even if he was playing with them first-Charles
46.                        Taught Lilah a song and shared his food with her-Charles
47.                        Helped at Parkwest Church of God, in the kitchen serving for kids and families of Upward.-Lilly
48.                        Helped a fellow student at Cedar Bluff Elementary to the Nurse’s office when they cut their finger-Lilly
49.                        Helped her Aunt make cookies and Grandma make meatballs for dinner over the holidays and cleaned up her old toys and gave them to her cousin.-Lilly
50.                        I found and returned a TaeKwonDo belt-Skyler
51.                        I held the door open for some people at the store-Skyler
52.                        I helped clean up some trash-Skyler
53.                         I bought some candy with my own tickets for two friends-Skyler
54.                        I told a girl she was cute-Skyler
55.                        I helped a boy who fell and I ran and got a teacher-Skyler
56.                        I helped Nana when she didn’t feel good-Skyler
57.                        I got Nana and Papa drinks when I got one for me-Skyler
58.                        I folded laundry to help-Skyler
59.                        Held the door for parents-Ryan
60.                        Shared my glue-Ryan
61.                        Wrote a card to my friends-Ryan
62.                        Read a book to my sister-Ryan
63.                        Set the table-Ryan
64.                        Read to my cousin-Ryan
65.                        Cleaned up room-Aidan
66.                        Shut door for sister-Aidan
67.                        Pick up plate and take to sink-Aidan
68.                        Open door for Mom-Aidan
69.                        Help carry bowling ball for friend-Aidan
70.                        Shared M&M’s with sister-Aidan
71.                        Let friend in line in front-Aidan
72.                        Gave friend candy-Aidan
73.                        Get diaper for baby cousin-Aidan
74.                        Got drink out of the fridge for his mom-Carder
75.                        Put dishes in the sink without being asked-Carder
76.                        Cleaned up toys without being asked-Carder
77.                        Opened door for his teacher-Carder
78.                        Cleared off the table for his reading group-Carder
79.                        Set snacks out for classmates-Carder
80.                        Helped get horse from the field at horse lessons. -Carder
81.                        Picked up trash found in parking lot-Carder
82.                        Fixed coat rack for a friend-Carder
83.                         Cleaned room without asking-Isaak
84.                        Helped unload the car for groceries and put them away-Isaak
85.                        Unload the dishwasher-Isaak
86.                        Held the door open for strangers at the gym-Isaak
87.                        Put away toys at Tiger-Rock without asking-Isaak
88.                        Picked up garbage from parking lot-Isaak
89.                        Helped sister take out garbage-Isaak
90.                        Opened the door for someone with their hands full at Tiger-Rock-Isaak
91.                        Clean up toys in TV room without being told-Isaak
92.                        Set table for Christmas Dinner-Calvin
93.                        Wash dishes after Christmas dinner-Calvin
94.                        Cleaned up my room-Calvin
95.                        Cleaned up my sister’s room-Calvin
96.                        I picked up trash at recess.-Calvin
97.                        I picked up trash in hallway at Bluegrass School-Calvin
98.                        I picked up trash inside community. –Calvin
99.                        Picked up at blue grass street and playground-Calvin
100.                   Pick up trash at TaeKwonDo-Calvin
101.                   Put Jimmy food and water-Selina
102.                   Clean the dishes-Selina
103.                   Clean up my room-Selina
104.                   Graded papers for first graders-Selina
105.                   Clean cubby-Selina
106.                   Help 5th grader pick up her tiny hairbands that look like rings-Selina
107.                   Clean playroom-Selina
108.                   Taught kids Math in bus. –Selina
109.                   Opened door for three classes in a row-Selina
110.                   Gave his gloves to another student without gloves on the playground-Jackson
111.                   Helped a friend clean up his water at lunch-Jackson
112.                   Asked his teacher multiple days to help in class and was finally able to assist and distribute papers to the class-Jackson
113.                   Offered to clean ice of the driveway-Jackson
114.                   Surprised Issac with a guitar he made from paper and tape-Jackson
115.                   Shared M&M’s and gum with his brother without being asked-Jackson
116.                   Helped a family friend scoop snow off the porch-Jackson
117.                   Volunteered to clean shop/swept off all my tools be helpful-Jackson
118.                   Helped a neighbor friend by bringing her mail in, watering her palnts, and putting up her security sign. –Jackson
119.                   Picked up crayons after class party-Ryan
120.                   Took note to the office for his teacher-Ryan
121.                   Shared his scissors with a classmate-Ryan
122.                   Helped mom with laundry-Ryan
123.                   Put trash from downstairs in garbage can
124.                   Let dog out for mom when she couldn’t get to her fast enough-Ryan
125.                   Held door open for guest at a store-Ryan
126.                   Picked up sidewalk trash-Ryan
127.                   Played with younger friend to help babysit-Ryan
128.                   Fed all of the cats and picked up after all the pets-Ethan
129.                   Cleaned up after dinner and put all dishes in the sink-Ethan
130.                   Took care of mommy while she has been very sick, making sure she has a lot of blankets, pillows, and drinks
131.                   Informed Amy at Tiger-Rock that he noticed a toilet was stopped up-Ethan
132.                   Vaccumed and swept the grooming salon-Ethan
133.                   At Mommy’s work, picked up all of dog bowls and cleaned them in the sink-Ethan
134.                   Cleaned up toys that himself and friends were playing with-Ethan
135.                   Ethan helped one of his younger classmates put away a book on a higher shelf. -Ethan
136.                   Ethan washed his hand sand waited patiently to receive his lunch. -Ethan
137.                   Helped a lady get her grocery cart out-Jameson
138.                   Helped mom with shopping-Jameson
139.                   Told a lady she was pretty-Jameson
140.                   Said polite things to people, like, “Have a nice day.” –Jameson
141.                   Opened and held a door open for a friend-Jameson
142.                   Wrote his teacher a nice note-Jameson
143.                   Cleaned up the scraps after a project (without being asked) -Jameson
144.                   Kept room and play area clean-Jameson
145.                   Helped mom with dusting-Jameson
146.                   Let cousin (Connor) pick the toy he wanted to play with first, and let him go first in a game. –Jameson
147.                   Brought Auntie a Snack from the fridge-Jameson
148.                   Used polite language, like “Please”, “Thank you,” and “Yes Ma’am.”
149.                   Took down chairs from tables-Lydia
150.                   Opened door for person behind me-Lydia
151.                   Picked up algebra tiles off the floor-Lydia
152.                   Folded clothers-Lydia
153.                   Cleaned room-Lydia
154.                   Put away dishes-Lydia
155.                   Took down Christmas decorations at Church-Lydia
156.                   Opened door for adults-Lydia
157.                   Served food at water angel-Lydia
158.                   Cleaned up after eating-Lydia
159.                   Making sister’s bed in the morning-Lydia
160.                   Sharing tattoos with sister-Lydia
161.                   Reminded a girl who forgot her coat, and brought it to her-Lydia
162.                   Helped a classmate who was hurt-Lydia
163.                   Picked up crayons someone dropped in classroom-Lydia
164.                   Bowed when entering the classroom-Lydia
165.                   Said “Yes Sir” nice and loud-Lydia
166.                   Listened and said “Thank you” when a partner told her to do something-Lydia

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