We hope that everyone is having a great Monday, and is prepared to rock it out this week in classes. Parents please read this email in its entirety as it has vital information to upcoming programs in 2013
We are in the final stages of preparations to roll out our first piece of the Tiger-Rock A.L.L.Y. Program for the upcoming 2013 year. The Tiger-Rock A.L.L.Y. (Academic Learning and Leadership for Youth) program is designed to promote student behavior and achievement both inside the TaeKwonDo classroom, at school, home, and within their community. Students may typically earn two "merit badge" stripes per cycle. For this training cycle, the merit badges students earn on their belt is "Dedication" for earning a minimum of 25 classes within the training cycle, and the "Random Acts of Kindness" badge where students must perform a minimum of 3 random acts of kindness at home, 3 acts of kindness at school, and 3 acts of kindness within their community. The acts of kindness merit badge must be written down by students, and brought to class to earn the merit badge. The merit badges should be placed on the left side of the belt (opposite from the training stripes), at the bottom, below the Academic Learning stars (Please allow room to place the merit badges). Merit badges will be awarded starting January 3rd, 2013.
We have also launched our Honor (ages 6-10/Blue Belt or above), Leadership (ages 11-15/Blue Belt or above), and Trainer (Ages 16 & up/Blue Belt and above) Team Programs. The programs are designed to create a comradery within the academy to develop future leaders not only within our program, but within our community as well. As we continue to grow, the Honor, Leadership, and Trainer Teams are vital to a successful long-lasting academy. We, as an academy, are going to be providing more resources, and dedicating more time to developing these programs, students, and continuing to enhance and deliver our product(s) to Knoxville. Stephen Covey, author of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" stated that one of the seven habits of highly effective people is to, "Begin with the end in mind." Therefore, in order to create a legacy that will survive for generations to come, we must train, and develop these young leaders both from a martial arts, and a societal standpoint.
Parents & Students, please vote for your favorite Honor, Leadership, or Trainer Team Member at the front desk in order for them to win a special prize come February at the rank exams.
Snow/Inclement Weather Policy: The academy's snow policy is such that if Knox County Schools ever close due to weather, the academy will also close. We have multiple outlets to let our parents know about academy closings including email, Facebook, text messaging, twitter, google +, wbir.com, etc. If you are not recieving our updates, please check your spam folder, and then contact the academy.Finally, as a reminder, the last day of classes are this Saturday (12/22). We will return to a tentatively NEW class schedule come January 3rd. Please check the media outlets, and your email for updates.
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
Email: WestKnoxTigerRock@gmail.com
Website: www.WestKnoxTigerRock.com
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