Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tiger-Rock Martial Arts & Kisado Interval Fitness Knoxville, TN:

Martial Arts & Kisado Interval Fitness Knoxville, TN:

How Adults Benefit from Tiger Rock Martial Arts

Many in Knoxville are finding out that Martial Arts is not just for kids. Movies like Karate Kid, Kung Fu Panda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and others lead some to think that martial arts is a “kid thing”. The truth is that when martial arts first came to the United States, there were almost no children in any of the classes….it was nearly all adults. It was hard core fitness, self-defense and adult focused training taught by very strict instructors. Then when Karate Kid came along, the push was to start earlier and educate our children to the benefits of focus, self defense and discipline from a young age. Today families are seeing the real balance come back. Can kids take martial arts? YES! Can adults take martial arts? YES!

So then what’s the difference and how do ADULTS find the right martial arts facility in Knoxville for themselves?

The top things adults can do when considering martial arts is:

* find a school/facility that trains adults separate from children, because you simply cannot train both groups together all the time and serve them well….adults and children learn very differently, and who wants to be in a class with a bunch of other peoples’ kids?
* ask about experience and credentials….are they a part of a national program? are they backed by a franchise that will provide a lot of quality control?
* does the program really focus on healthy lifestyles and fitness or do they just use them as buzzwords and then you take a class where you don’t even sweat??? hint: great martial arts classes burn SERIOUS calories and make you sweat!

Many adults are turning to martial arts at West Knoxville Tiger Rock TaeKwonDo Academy because they are tired of late night infomercials promising ripped abs by some stupid gadget, they are tired of feeling like a rat on a wheel when using treadmills, they are tired of being intimidated or irritatated at the gym, they are BORED with other workouts that get old or don’t produce results. Adults who participate in martial arts at Tiger Rock learn serious fitness and develop healthy lifestyles….and at the same time they learn to kick butt. Walking on a treadmill doesn’t exactly prepare you for the guy who puts his hands on you late at night in a parking lot……and as we have all read or seen in the news, this is happening more and more even here in Knoxville.

What are some of the real health and fitness benefits that ADULTS receive by participating in martial arts at Tiger Rock?

1. Improved body composition (fat loss)…which sure helps see those abs!
2. Weight loss
3. Increased Lean Muscle and Toning
4. Increased flexibility that leads to injury prevention
5. Increased balance
6. Improved athletic ability that serves as great cross training for other sports
7. Reduced stress
8. Increased understanding of nutrition and supplements
9. Social accountability—Instructors and Staff help you stick to your goals because you are not just a number
10. Improved confidence because of how you feel, how you look and what you can do!

To find out more about the benefits for adults(and kids and families too), visit http://ITA422.TigerRockOnline.com, www.facebook.com/westknoxvilleTKD or call 865-247-4437. West Knoxville Tiger-Rock TaeKwonDo Academy is located at the intersection of N. Peters Road and Cedar Bluff.

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