Dear Parents,
We have our testing approaching soon, October 11th. Everyone has been working hard and pushing themselves to be ready for testing. Make sure to get signed up. Registration invitations have been sent out, sign up through your emailed invitation or sign up at the academy.
DON’T FORGET the Partners in Learning forms! Bring them to your school for your teacher to fill out and earn stars for your behavior at school! These forms are due before testing so get them in to the teachers now!

Everyone wondering what to do with there children during fall break while your at work????
Dont worry anymore bring them to us, for a full day of fun and excitment with Tiger-Rock.
Knox county fall break is October 13-14 drop of and pick up are from
$45.00 first child
$35.00 second child
sign up today so we will know how many people we will have attending.
ATTENTION!!! we will be closed for Halloween. Which means there will be NOCLASSES!! Happy Halloween!!!
We will be having contest for best costumes and best side dishes.
A sign up sheet will be at the front desk for everyone to sign up for what they will be bringing.
November 8th King of the Hill Tournament
Our fall tournament will be the King of the Hill Tournament in Johnson City, TN.
More information to come soon once we get the sign up sheets from senior master Evers we will start the sign ups.

Don’t forget about the +5 Referral Program!!
1 Friend= Free private lesson
2 Friend= $20.00 toward pro shop
3 Friend= $50.00 off next rank fee
4 friend= free all-access upgrade
5 friend= Free Tuition for the year
Thanks to everyone for working hard and being a part of our academy. We apperciate you all and thank you for being part of our Tiger-Rock family.
Remember there can not be an US without U!!
-Tiger-Rock Staff