For the week of: 05/26-05/31
Cycle Tenet: "Strength, is the ability to solve problems both mentally and physically. Strong mind...focus on purpose. Strong right and exercise."
Good Afternoon,
This is week #7 of 8 in our current training cycle for our martial art programs.
Newsletter Highlights:
- Goals for the week
- Merit Badges due by June 7th
- New Class Schedule
- New Freeze Policy
- Kama Weapon Enrollment
- Memorial Day Abridged Schedule
- Upcoming Events
We will begin preparing and reviewing for our June Rank Exams this week. Please remember Saturday is the last day to register for your rank exams. If you are missing any curriculum stripes by this point, please schedule a private lesson with an instructor.
Please register for your Priority Rank Exam Registration today through May 31st. Late Exam Registration (Additional $10.00) is June 2nd-June 7th.
We will have the following merit badges available this training cycle:
Skillbuilder Merit Badge: The merit badge this cycle will have students practice their form 50x at home. Please pick up an A.L.L.Y. Program sheet at the front desk.
Character Builder Merit Badge: Students will track their nutritional input everyday for six weeks, and indicate whether they consumed any junk food, if they ate any fruits and vegetables, and controlling portion sizes. At the end of six weeks, students will reflect on their nutrition, and any effects it may/may not have had on their own body.
Academic Learning Stars: Please be sure to get your academic teachers to fill our your Partners-in-learning forms so you can earn your academic stars. Forms can be found at the front desk.
Parents: Please pick up our new class schedule that will go into effect after our June Rank Exams. It includes day classes, gymnastic classes, white and yellow belt only classes, more weapons classes. It is going to be a great summer of movement. Please note the new class schedule goes into effect on June 11th, 2014.
New Freeze Policy
Please review the requirements to freeze a membership at Tiger-Rock Martial Arts.
Process of Freezing Membership
■ All tuition & any unpaid invoices must be current
& up to date for freezing of membership to be processed.
■ Written notice must be issued seven (7) days, or 1
week, in advance of auto draft or the draft will be made as scheduled, and then
termination request will be issued.
■ The freeze policy will be in effect from freeze
request date if prior to (7) days advanced notice of autodraft. In order to
hold your membership at Tiger-Rock, a $15 monthly charge per student will be
issued to your account until the original membership is activated, or a written termination request has
been given to Tiger-Rock.
■ The freeze policy may only be enacted once per
calendar year for a maximum of three months.
■ Please describe in detail the reason for freezing
membership, and estimated length of freeze:
Weapon Enrollment has now begun. Our weapon for next cycle will be the Kama's. The competition Kama's are $24.95, and the Elite Competition Kama's are $49.95. Weapon Training Classes are $40.00 unless on All-Access. ENROLLMENT MUST BE COMPLETED DURING PRIORITY EXAM REGISTRATION.
We will be open on Memorial Day (05/26) running an abridged schedule.
Tiger Cubs 5:00p.m.
Juniors 5:30p.m.
Teens and Adults 6:30p.m.
Grappling 7:30p.m.
05/19-05/31: Priority Rank Exam Registration & Weapon Enrollment
05/26: Memorial Day Abridged Schedule
06/02-06/07: Late Exam Registration, an additional $10.00 for rank exams.
06/04: Junior Grappling Rank Exam 5:30p.m. (No Black Belt Class)
Adult Grappling Rank Exam 7:15p.m.
06/05: Junior Blue-Black Belt Class 4:00p.m.
Tiger Cub Rank Exams 5:30p.m.
White, Yellow, Green Belt Rank Exam 6:30p.m.
Teen and Adult Class 7:45p.m.
06/06: Junior Blue-Red L2 Rank Exams 5:00p.m.
Red L3-Black Belt Class 6:30p.m.
Adult and Teen Rank Exams 7:15p.m.
06/07: Red L3 & Black Belt Rank Exam 10:00a.m.
Instructor Meeting/Workout/Team Builder Function 1:00p.m.
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437