We would like to remind everybody that the Booster Club will be having their first fundraiser tomorrow (Saturday 8/31) at our academy from 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Please come out and supprot them as they support our academy. They will have:
Adult Lunch Plate: $5.00 (includes gyro, chips, and soft drink/water)
Child Lunch Plate: $5.00 (includes gyro, chips, Hug (fruit drink), and cookie/cupcake/brownie
Soft Drinks: $1.00
Bottled Water $1.00
Hug Fruit Drinks $0.50
Cookies, Cakes, Cupcakes, Brownies, etc. Priced at event depending on size.
Don't forget Mr. Bailey's Skill Seminar at 2:00p.m., and Agility Course tomorrow at 3:00p.m. Each seminar is $10.00 with a prize going to the fastest Tiger Cub, Junior, Youth/Adult, in the agility seminar.
We hope that everyone will have a great Labor Day Weekend.
Your proud instructor,

Senior 4th Degree Tiger-Rock Black Belt & Certified TaeKwonDo Trainer
Tiger-Rock Grappling TrainerCDT Protection Instructor

Phone: (865) 247-4437
Email: WestKnoxTigerRock@gmail.com
Website: www.WestKnoxTigerRock.com